KLJS rinko lėšas pagalbos siekiančiam jaunimui “Food Truck’n Friday” festivalyje

Spalio 16 d. penktadienį, Kanados Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga (KLJS) surengė savo 2015-2016 veiklos metų pirmąjį renginį – dalyvavo maisto festivalyje “Food Truck’n Friday”.  Prisikėlimo parapijos automobilių aikštelėje nuo šių metų liepos mėnesio vykstantis maisto festivalis suburia ne tik įvairiais ir unikaliais maisto patiekalais prekiaujančius pardavėjus, bet pritraukia didelį būrį ir maisto mėgėjų, ypač iš lietuvių tarpo.

KLJS norėjo dalyvauti šiame festivalyje ir visas surinktas lėšas skirti ne pelno siekiančiai Toronto organizacijai “Youth Without Shelter”, kuri globoja ir remia pagalbos siekiantį jaunimą visame mieste. Spalio 16 diena buvo ypatinga, nes Kanados Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga  buvo priimta į maisto festivalio “Food Truck’n Friday” bendriją. Nors vakaras nebuvo šiltas, tačiau lietuvių jaunimas švytinčiais veidais, pakėlė energiją prekiaudami namuose pagamintais skanumynais, sušildė širdis ne tik ten dalyvavusių, bet ypač tų, kuriems pagalba reikalingiausia. Toronto organizacijai “Youth Without Shelter” paaukojo visą pelną.

Skaitykite KLJS prezidentės Skaidros Puodžiūnaitės įspūdžius anglų kalbą:

Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association raised money for „Youth Without Shelter” at „Food Truck ‘n Friday”

On Friday October 16th, the Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association (CLYA) held its first organized event of the 2015-16 season with „Food Truck ‘n Friday” (an Etobicoke-based food truck festival in the Resurrection Parish parking lot),  in order to raise funds for an Etobicoke non-for profit organization entitled “Youth Without Shelter”.

This CLYA kick-off event was set-up largely thanks to the creative founder of the „Food Truck’n Friday” festival, Jason Bellissimo – a resident of the #TheKip condo network that neighbors the Resurrection Parish.  He had wanted to launch this food truck festival for quite some time but needed to secure the perfect space. Finally through the generous cooperation of the Resurrection Parish community, the bi-weekly festival made its debut.

Since July 2015, the Resurrection Parish’s vacant parking lot on Resurrection Road and Bloor Street has been transformed into „Food Truck ‘n Friday’s” headquarters, bringing together a unique assortment of Toronto-based food trucks ranging from home-made “Sugar Mama” donuts prepared in coconut oil, to authentic Argentinian cuisine from Toronto’s beloved “CheBaby”.

Since its conception, „The Food Truck ‘n Friday” festival has been wildly successful, attracting thousands of Etobicoke and GTA residents of all ages, particularly many Lithuanians. The festival has also garnered media attention from publications such as „The Etobicoke Guardian”, „Humber” College student newspaper and even „BlogTO”.   However, the goal for Jason Bellissimo – as he’s consistently stated to CLYA executives and to all media outlets – is to give back to the community, especially the Lithuanian community, which has been instrumental in launching his food truck idea. That is precisely why on Friday Oct 16th, CLYA was featured as the „Food Truck ‘n Friday’s” community partner.

CLYA Executive members – Skaidra Puodziunas, Joana Azubalis, Edis Obeliunas, Vida Naudziunas, Adomas Kuliesius, Lauren Vaitonis-O’Grady, Elena Zubrickas and extra volunteers Adomas Grybas and Jokubas Jonusonis – came out on a chilly Friday night, with home-baked goods, lots of warm layers and a positive energy, in the hopes of donating 100% of our proceeds towards “Youth Without Shelter”; an organization that empowers, educates and employs  youth across the GTA. We’re happy to report that $150 was raised! CLYA would like to thank the „Youth Without Shelter’s” Development Specialist Poonam Saini for helping set-up our booth and for all the work she does for this organization.

The Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association manning its booth for "Youth without Shelter"
The Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association manning its booth for „Youth without Shelter”

Moving forward, CLYA intends to partner up with „Food Truck ‘n Friday” in 2016 and encourages you all to follow the unique community event on Facebook, Twitter , and/or Instagram (@foodtrucknfriday) for information on their upcoming dates The next „Food Truck ‘n Friday” is set for this upcoming Friday October 30th!

To keep in touch with CLYA and stay updated on all events, follow us on Facebook or email us at [email protected].  We look forward to seeing you all at our next CLYA event which will be held at Bar Lokys at 1573 Bloor Street West on Saturday October 31st for a “Spoooky” Halloween Soiree!

See you then!

Skaidra Puodziunas
CLYA President