Attention Students!

The Labdara Foundation/Toronto Lithuanian House grants scholarships every year to high school graduates of...

Attention students!

The Labdara Foundation and Lithuanian Community Association of Toronto Scholarship applications are now available...

Internships in Lithuania!

Students! Hurry and register for Youth Internships in Lithuania 2024! Young Canadians and Americans...

New President for PLJS

The World Lithuanian Youth Association (PLJS) unites Lithuanian youth throughout the diaspora, promoting Lithuanian...

Toronto: Youth Event!

The Lithuanian Youth Association of Canada - KLJS is planning an exciting event on...

Studying in Vilnius

Lithuania’s capital is home to numerous universities and colleges, attracting students from all over...

World Lithuanian Youth Meets at 17th Congress

The 17th Lithuanian World Youth Congress was held from June 14-22 in USA and...

Funding for Foreign Students

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports has announced new funding for foreign students...

Summer Internships in Lithuania

The program “Bring Together Lithuania / Jungtis Lietuvai“ invites youth of Lithuanian descent from...

New Leaders Conference

The Canadian-Lithuanian Youth Association is currently organizing their first New Leaders' Conference in conjunction...

KLJS – the Lithuanian Canadian Youth Association 

Kanados Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga We invite you to register for the KLJS 47th annual...

It’s time to dance!

After a warm, lovely, and long vacation from folk dancing, it’s time to dance! Really! It’s...

Lithuanian Courses

Plan for Next Summer! Summer months are the best time for students from abroad to...

Camp Kretinga has started!

After a two-year hiatus, the popular camp at Wasaga Beach, Ontario, has begun once...

Dėmėsio! Attention!

Nuo 2024 m. liepos 1 d. leidybinė organizacija Kanados lietuvių kultūros draugija „Žiburiai” Inc. nutraukė veiklą. tinklalapis lieka prieinamas, tačiau po 2024 m. liepos 1 d. nebus atnaujinamas. Visą „Tėviškės Žiburių” spaudos archyvą (1949-2020 m.) galima rasti adresu

The Lithuanian Canadian Cultural Society “Žiburiai“ Inc. and are closed as of July 1, 2024. The website will not be updated.

A complete archive of the print edition of Tėviškės žiburiai (1949-2020) is available at