Today, access to a wealth of information is at everyone‘s fingertips. With the imminent closure of our website tevzib.com, we offer a list of some Lithuanian and English websites for news and interesting reading about Lithuania and Lithuanians.
The reliable Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT.lt has an English-language version that covers current news. The Baltic Times offers articles on issues of interest, and a wider range of topics about Europe are available at emerging-europe.com. The website www.rferl.org – Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty reports in 27 languages to 23 countries and is one of the most comprehensive news operations in the world. Deep Baltic is a place for travel and culture articles relating to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. “We offer long reads, photo essays, reports and interviews on every aspect of life in these fascinating but often overlooked countries.”
Vilniaus etninės kultūros centras (etno.lt) has an English version promoting events, publications and education and has a newsletter. For literature buffs, Vilnius Review (vilniusreview.com), formerly a printed magazine, is a rich source for literary news, translations and reviews.
GO Vilnius (govilnius.lt) is a lively website for travel and business in the capital, and https://lithuania.travel/en provides many great ideas for your visit.
In Lithuanian, aside from LRT.lt, two well-written cultural websites are bernardinai.lt and alkas.lt. The latter provides quite an array of articles on culture and ethnography. PLB.lt has a wealth of articles about Lithuanian communities, people and events throughout the world.
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