A Canadian Anniversary

This year Lithuania and Canada are marking the 30th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations. Today Lithuania and Canada are close allies. Strengthening bilateral political, economic and cultural relations with Canada remains one of the primary priorities of Lithuanian foreign policy.

To mark this occasion, the Embassy of Lithuania to Canada jointly with Canadian-Lithuanian community Toronto chapter is organizing a hybrid event in Toronto at Anapilis Hall. We invite you to join the live streaming of the event via Embassy’s YouTube channel. Our event starts at 3:00 pm, October 2, 2021.

The Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada will present a special exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of restored diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Canada. Distinguished members of the Canadian-Lithuanian Community will be acknowledged for their activities three decades ago when Lithuania was regaining its independence.

Famous Lithuanian artists Rafailas Karpis and Darius Mažintas will present a musical program curated exclusively for the occasion.

The Lithuanian Embassy in Canada