Banner advertising on

We have a dynamic banner ad offering, including ads of various sizes to choose from – please see the attached examples. Banner ads use pictures and rich media to communicate a message. They come in standard sizes, and we make it very easy to execute professional ad campaigns.

We continually monitor traffic trends on, and statistics increasingly indicate that traffic to our site is more concentrated on other pages such as home and recent posts/articles. The visibility of your business will therefore be greatly enhanced by the placement of an online banner advertisement on the home or various other pages throughout the website and your information will be found easily.

Simply indicate which banner size and duration of ad you’d like to select and also whether you need a banner ad created for your business. Email our administrator at [email protected] with your selection and, we’ll start displaying your ad immediately. For any questions, or to speak further about our advertising process, please contact us at 905-275-4672.

Strategic placement

Ads appear right where customers will see them, such as the home page, posts and sidebars, providing an instant visibility boost.

Meet your marketing goals

Expand your marketing compaings with banner advertisement on

Connect with us to get your marketing campaign started

E-mail us: [email protected] or call: 905-275-4672

Dėmėsio! Attention!

Nuo 2024 m. liepos 1 d. leidybinė organizacija Kanados lietuvių kultūros draugija „Žiburiai” Inc. nutraukė veiklą. tinklalapis lieka prieinamas, tačiau po 2024 m. liepos 1 d. nebus atnaujinamas. Visą „Tėviškės Žiburių” spaudos archyvą (1949-2020 m.) galima rasti adresu

The Lithuanian Canadian Cultural Society “Žiburiai“ Inc. and are closed as of July 1, 2024. The website will not be updated.

A complete archive of the print edition of Tėviškės žiburiai (1949-2020) is available at