The Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) and World Lithuanian Community representatives from the diaspora – the Seimas-PB Commision – met in Vilnius on April 8-12 to discuss various issues relating to the diaspora. Current topics included the referendum on the retention of Lithuanian citizenship and preparation for civil defense. The Commission presented seven resolutions at a press conference on the last day of the session, April 12.
The first resolution, addressing the “Lithuania 2050” strategy and the need to strengthen ties with people of Lithuanian descent, urges the Lithuanian government and parliament to review and ensure the implementation of the strategy and to support with the World Lithuanian Community in sustaining cultural identity in the Lithuanian diaspora, especially through education and cultural programs. There is a call to focus on earlier emigrants who wish to maintain ties with Lithuania and to provide programs to attract their school-aged grandchildren and great-grandchildren to visit there. There is a need for tolerance in Lithuanian society toward immigrants from the diaspora without bias regarding their sexual orientation, race, religion, or special needs.
The second resolution regarding the Lithuanian World Games in 2025 requests continued cooperation in non-professional sports and promotion of this tradition, with one responsible government institution, such as the National Sports Agency. Preparatory work and venue selection should begin early.
In the resolution on the referendum for retaining Lithuanian citizenship, the president, parliament and government are requested to continue providing explanatory information as well as arranging discussions with experts and urging citizens to vote.
The Commission also proposed annual funding for the social rehabilitation of victims of the Soviet occupation from 1939 to 1990.
In another resolution, the government is urged to continue cooperation and strategizing with the diaspora in the area of civil defense and increased resistance to disinformation. The Lithuanian diaspora also needs to be informed about resistance to hybrid attacks. The World Lithuanian Community could function as the primary source of information for the diaspora.
Other resolutions seek to ensure the continuation of the Commission’s work, the “Global Lithuania” strategy, and financial support of Lithuanian language schools in the diaspora.
PLB inf.