Youth News

Annual Meeting Held Virtually

On September 27, the Lithuanian Canadian Youth Association (KLJS – Kanados lietuvių jaunimo sąjunga) held its annual meeting. Adapting to the new circumstances dicatated by COVID-19, for the first time in history the meeting took place remotely. The participants were greeted by last year’s KLJS president, Livija Cygas. Later, the floor was given to the guest speaker, Maria Cyvas. She is a participant of the Mission Siberia project who talked about her expedition to the former places of deportation and imprisonment of Lithuanians in Kazakhstan.

At the meeting, the new 2020-2021KLJS board was announced: co-presidents Victoria McMurchy and Emilia Degutis, vice-president Lina Samonis, secretary Marta Matuzonytė, social media manager Nida Nausedas, treasurer Lukas Janowicz, and general members Julia Degutis, Austėja Galinytė and Monika Satkauskas.

Alongside the discussion of last year’s events organized by KLJS, the organization took into account the unprecedented situation they are encountering. While the traditional events organized by KLJS may not occur in their usual formats, the new board is looking forward to modified forms of past events, as well as bringing new traditions to the association.

This week, on October 5th, the KLJS board met with the Lithuanian Ambassador to Canada, Darius Skusevičius, to discuss potential collaboration between KLJS and the Embassy. Topics discussed included future events and different approaches to reaching youth across Canada.

We are looking forward to another successful year and looking forward to seeing all Canadian-Lithuanian youth getting involved!

            Marta Matuzonyte, KLJS Board Member