october, 2020
17oct3:00 pm3:30 pmWasaga Beach takeout Oktoberfest

Event Details
Wasaga Beach area Lithuanians are organizing a takeout Oktoberfest hot dinner at the Good Shepherd Mission on Saturday, October 17 at 3 pm (after 2 pm Mass). Sausage with sauerkraut
Event Details
Wasaga Beach area Lithuanians are organizing a takeout Oktoberfest hot dinner at the Good Shepherd Mission on Saturday, October 17 at 3 pm (after 2 pm Mass). Sausage with sauerkraut and potatoes will be available, as well as cakes. Cost per person is $15. Please place orders by Wednesday, October 7 by calling Regina at 705-422-0270 or email her at reginaurban@hotmail.com, or phone Jūratė at 705-429- 6921. Please have the correct change ready when you come. All profit goes to maintain the Good Shepherd Mission.
(Saturday) 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Gerojo Ganytojo šventovė Vasagoje
2121 Mosley St.