A Summer to Remember: An Interview with “LISS” Participant Lukas Janowicz

This past summer, a lucky group of students travelled to Lithuania for an intense 5-week program funded by the Lithuanian-American Community called “LISS” (Lithuanian...

Applications open for 2020 EU-Canada Young Journalist Fellowship

Ottawa – The European Union Delegation to Canada and the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) are thrilled to launch the 2020 edition of the...

KLJS Christmas Fun

The Lithuanian Canadian Youth Association is thrilled to announce that the annual KLJS Ugly Christmas Sweater Party has returned! And, for the first time ever,...

The Vancouver Owlet Club

The Vancouver Owlet Club (Pelėdžiukų klubas) is well into its 4th school year and is happy to report that the number of students is...

Toronto: Youth Event!

The Lithuanian Youth Association of Canada - KLJS is planning an exciting event on Saturday September 23. The annual general meeting (suvažiavimas) will take...
Bring together LT

Bring together LT programa Lietuvoje kviečia studentus

Neįkainojama galimybė praleisti vasarą Lietuvoje ir įgyti profesinės patirties. Jei esi 18-26 metų studentas, prisijunk prie lietuvių diasporos jaunimo programos „Bring Together Lithuania“/"Jungtis Lietuvai". Pagrindinis programos tikslas –...

Summer Camps in Lithuania

Many possibilities open to local youth – and an interesting cultural project for the diaspora to pursue Etninės kultūros globos taryba, the Lithuanian Council for...

Summer Internships in Lithuania

The program “Bring Together Lithuania / Jungtis Lietuvai“ invites youth of Lithuanian descent from ages 18-29 to apply for summer 2023 internships in Lithuania....

KLJS will be hosting a virtual V-16 Celebration for Lithuanian kids across Canada (ages...

Dear students and parents, We are overjoyed to announce that—for the second year in a row—KLJS will be hosting a virtual V-16 Celebration for Lithuanian...

Internships in Lithuania!

Students! Hurry and register for Youth Internships in Lithuania 2024! Young Canadians and Americans of Lithuanian descent, 18-26 years of age, currently studying  for...

Dėmėsio! Attention!

Nuo 2024 m. liepos 1 d. leidybinė organizacija Kanados lietuvių kultūros draugija „Žiburiai” Inc. nutraukė veiklą.

tevzib.com tinklalapis lieka prieinamas, tačiau po 2024 m. liepos 1 d. nebus atnaujinamas. Visą „Tėviškės Žiburių” spaudos archyvą (1949-2020 m.) galima rasti adresu spauda.org

The Lithuanian Canadian Cultural Society “Žiburiai“ Inc. and tevzib.com are closed as of July 1, 2024. The website tevzib.com will not be updated.

A complete archive of the print edition of Tėviškės žiburiai (1949-2020) is available at spauda.org