Kinematografas Emmanuelis Lubezkis, turintis kilmės ryšių su Lietuva, šiuo metu yra vienas iš „Oscars” apdovanojimo konkurentų už filmą „The Revenant”.
E. Lubezkio senelis Maxas Lubezkis gimė Alytuje ir tarpukariu emigravo į Meksiką. Žydiškų šaknų turintis lietuvis už Atlanto vaidino žydiškuose spektakliuose. Meilę aktorystei senelis įskiepijo ir savo sūnui Muni Lubezkiui – kinematografo E. Lubezkio tėvui.
Lubezkis „Oskarui“ buvo nominuotas net septynis kartus – už darbą filmuose „A Little Princess“ (1995), „Sleepy Hollow“ (1999), „The New World“ (2005), „Children of Men“ (2006) „The Tree of Life“ (2011), „Gravity” (2013), ir „Birdman” (2015).
Meksikoje gimęs 50-metis kino kūrėjas už darbą filme „Gravity“ taip pat apdovanotas BAFTA prizu.
Oscars programa bus transliuojama vasario 28d.
Skaitykite R. Jonaitienė’s filmo “The Revenant” apžvalgą
“Revenant” cinematographer of Lithuanian descent tipped for Oscar
The cinematographer for „Revenant,” the film leading the race for this year’s Oscars with 12 nominations, is of Lithuanian descent.
Emmanuel Lubezki, who has already won consecutive Academy Awards for Best Cinematography for his work on the films Gravity and Birdman, is in line for a third Oscar, and his grandfather Max was a Lithuanian citizen born in Alytus who emigrated to Mexico City in the interwar period.
Lubezki’s grandmother was also an immigrant from Eastern Europe. Her family left Russia to escape the Bolshevik Revolution.
The film’s cinematography, directed by Lubezki, has been praised by critics and was shot in freezing conditions using only natural light. Based on the true story of a frontiersman Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), who was left for dead in a harsh winter in the 1800s, the film had a long and difficult shoot in snowbound Canada and Argentina.
The film’s 12 nominations include for best film, best actor (Leonardo Di Caprio), best director (Alejandro Iñárritu), best supporting actor (Tom Hardy) and best cinematography (Emmanuel Lubezki).