On Sunday, March 6, over one thousand Torontonians and representatives of its various cultural communities gathered at the doors of the Russian Consulate at 60 St. Clair Avenue East. With flags and chanting, the crowd expressed its agreement with speakers condemning the brutal invasion of Ukraine by Russians and the murder of peaceful Ukrainian citizens, and the designation of safe “green“ corridors for refugees to escape war zones.

One participant, having dual Russian-Ukrainian citizenship, publicly burned his Russian passport, denouncing the country‘s aggression and non-compliance with any international treaties.
The meeting was addressed by Ukrainian Canadian Congress president Aleksandra Chyczij, and donations were collected in support of Ukrainian freedom fighters. Organizers then encouraged everyone to march to the US Embassy on University Avenue. There participants requested a “No fly zone“ over Ukraine to be declared as well as an immediate increase in military assistance to Ukraine.
Lithuanians having only 32 years ago been at similar demonstrations, came with their nation‘s flags, in concern and sympathy for Ukrainians fighting Russian occupation.
Lithuania is sheltering over 3,000 Ukrainian refugees and several hundred children. Under Russian attack, over 1.5 million Ukrainians have fled their country to neighbouring European nations.