Learn to Speak Lithuanian at Klaipeda University in Lithuania – Beside the Stunning Baltic Sea

Visit Lithuania, the land of the oldest language of modern Indo-European languages, and learn Lithuanian!

From July 17th – August 14th, Klaipeda University is again offering its annual, 4-week, intensive language study course to foreigners, as a Lithuania language and culture summer school.

This is arguably the best time in Klaipeda, as course participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the famous Sea Festival, visit the beach and the Baltic Sea, as well as other local summer cultural events.

The language course at the university is taught by experienced, passionate instructors, each of them prepared to explain language concepts to their students in their mother tongue’s if necessary, especially beginners (ie: English, German, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, etc.).

Students typically will have 4hrs of classes each day, with afternoons and weekends spent participating in cultural activities and going on trips and excursions in order to immerse themselves with the language and locals. Students will also be afforded an excellent opportunity to get acquainted not only with the Western region of Lithuania, but also with the most famous attractions Lithuania – Vilnius, Trakai .

Lithuanian language courses are offered  for various skill levels. Language training programs have been designed from the basic ABC course of the Lithuanian language (A1) to the Lithuanian language perfection program for fluent speakers (C2), including a Lithuanian language course for EU interpreters. The number of groups available for the upcoming summer course will be known after the application deadline (June 7, 2015).

Beginners will acquire basic skills of spoken and written Lithuanian (conversation skills, shopping, traveling, etc.). The language skills acquired will help you to live and study in Lithuania, or apply them to further studies.

Teaching programs for the intermediate and advanced students (seeking B2-C2 levels) will be customized according to the needs of the group. Topics could include stylistics, culture, etymology, phonetics etc.

After your graduation you will receive the officially recognized certificate of Klaipėda University. Those who successfully pass the examination will get 7 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits.

If you are interesting in attending Klaipeda University Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer School, please fill out the application form no later than June 30th, 2015.


Jūratė Derukaitė, Klaipėdos universiteto Humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto Kalbų ir kultūrų centro direktorė
KU KKC nuotraukos

Kaip ir kiekvieną vasarą, Klaipėdos universitete rengiami keturių savaičių intensyvūs lietuvių kalbos kursai užsieniečiams – Lietuvių kalbos ir kultūros vasaros mokykla. 2015 m. jie vyks nuo lieposku-lituanistika-002-e1424382134482 17 d. iki rugpjūčio 14 d. Tai geriausias laikas Klaipėdoje – kursų dalyviai turės puikią progą pasimėgauti garsiąja Jūros švente, taip pat kitais intensyvaus Klaipėdos vasaros kultūrinio gyvenimo renginiais.

Užsieniečius Klaipėdos universitete moko patyrusios, šį darbą mylinčios lituanistės; kiekviena pasirengusi prireikus ką nors paaiškinti ir kuria nors užsienio kalba…Skaitykite toliau….