Disconnecting from Belarus

Lithuania has initiated a legal process to take control of power connections with Belarus after the country’s nuclear plant began commercial operations, announced Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys. He explained that the legal process allowing Lithuania to take control of the lines has begun. Lithuania currently has certain agreements and owns them jointly with neighbouring Belarus.

Lithuania has passed a so-called anti-Astravyets law that allows the country to bar market access to electricity produced in Belarus once it launched its nuclear power plant. Lithuanian officials maintain that the Astravyets NPP, built some 50 kilometres from Vilnius by the Russian state nuclear agency Rosatom, is unsafe. Minsk denies all allegations.

Some electricity produced at the Astravyets nuclear plant still enters Lithuania, but more significant flows have stopped once Ukraine decided not to purchase Belarusian electricity, according to Kreivys. He noted that Belarus consumes as much electricity as it produces, but at certain times some electricity produced in excess of Belarus’ consumption does reach Lithuania.

News from LRT.lt