Central and Eastern European Communities Unite

Baltic Diaspora Leaders form Coalition with Poland and Ukraine

On May 25, during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the world community leaders of Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and Poland formed the new Council of Central and East-European Communities – CEEC. Together these community organizations represent more than 50 million people living in over 65 countries of the world.

The purpose of the council is to promote common interests and expansion of the member communities. Today the primary goal of the CEEC is to help defend their member countries and communities from growing Russian aggression. As the CEEC establishes itself, it will invite like-minded communties to joing the coalition. In a joint statement, the CEEC leaders announced that its purpose is to support Ukraine in its efforts to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity and fight back against the brutal and unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The World CEEC agrees with the UN General Assembly’s resolution of March 2, 2022, demanding that Russia withdraw from Ukraine immediately and withdraw all of its armed forces from its neighbouring country unconditionally.  PLB inf.