Nacionalinis diktantas vyks vasario 21 dieną

home2015blackNacionalinis diktantas vėl kviečia visus lietuvių kalbos mylėtojus pasitikrinti žinias.

Pilietinės minties instituto organizuojamas Nacionalinio diktanto konkursas vyks vasario 21 dieną 11 valandą. Diktantas bus transliuojamas per LRT radiją.

Diktantą bus galima rašyti visose Lietuvos savivaldybėse, mokyklose, Vilniaus knygų mugėje ir Lietuvos ambasadose užsienyje. Savo duris Nacionalinio diktanto dalyviams konkurso dieną atvers ir Lietuvos bibliotekos.

Dėl raštingiausiojo vardo bus varžomasi keliose kategorijose – raštingiausio moksleivio, suaugusiojo ir užsienio lietuvio. Rašyti diktantą taip pat kviečiami ir įmonių bei organizacijų atstovai.

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The National Lithuanian Dictation Will be Held on February 21

National Dictation again invites all Lithuanian language lovers to test their knowledge.

National Dictation contest will be held on February 21 at 11 am, and will be broadcast on LRT radio. Participants will be able to write the dictation in all municipalities in Lithuania, schools, Vilnius book fairs, libraries, and even Lithuanian embassies abroad .

There will be multiple categories of “most literate” participant – including student,adult, and foreign language categories. Companies and organizations are also invited to participate.
Lithuanian foreign communities will have the opportunity to obtain a recording of the radio-broadcasted dictation, to utilize at a convenient time.

“The National Dictation has now become a tradition – and it’s already more than simply a guide or means of “testing” one’s language abilities. Instead, it’s a decision, a choice – people taking a stand and actively demonstrating which language they chose to speak and write. Participating in the dictation is the most important thing.  There is no need to think about mistakes, or what I know and what I do not know . Learning – especially the Lithuanian language – is a lifelong process, ” says the organizer of the National dictation Vytautė Šmaižytė.

As in years prior, participants will be able to write the dictation and send it to organizers, by February 23rd. Project organizers will then check all dictations received by post, correct, and send them back to their authors. Participants who write the dictation independently are not eligible to compete for the “most literate” title.

Last year, more than 7,000 people participated in the National Dictation.

The National Dictation is organized by longstanding project partners – DELFI, LRT, AC Lithuanian Post, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Lithuanian Language Commission, Lithuanian National Martynas Mazvydas Library. The patron of the project is Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite .

The text of the dictation will be published on February 22nd, on the following sites:; DELFI;