Letters to the Editor
We would like to share our good news: our dear grandson Paul Pacevicius lives in Oakville and is in his second year of studies at the university in Kingston (currently online during the COVID19 quarantine). He decided to help fight the pandemic, and realizing that the greatest need right now is for masks for medical workers. He researched the internet, found the necessary information, the program, sourced some plastic, and was able to produce plastic bands for facemasks on his 3D printer! At first he made one at a time, now he can make three at a time. He shared the information with his friends, and they agreed to share the cost of the plastic. They reached a supplier through the internet, and are providing him with the first shipment of 50 bands.
Thank you, Paulius! We are so happy and proud of you! We love you. We wish you the best of luck in this truly important endeavour.
Your grandparents,
Irena and Faustas Žilinskas