Stand with Ukraine!

What can we do to help?

The Foreign Ministry of Lithuania urges Lithuanians and Lithuanian organizations throughout the diaspora to take action and react to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, by writing open letters to federal, provincial and local authorities, parliamentary representatives and media outlets expressing support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We are all deeply  concerned about the rising danger facing the security of Ukraine, Lithuania and other Baltic states and to the future of Europe. We urge the governments of all countries to impose the most severe sanctions on Russia, including political isolation and its exclusion from the SWIFT banking system. It is now essential to provide Ukraine with immediate political, economic, financial and humanitarian aid as well as military assistance with weapons, ammunition to help defend that nation.

Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Baltic states and all of Europe is totally unacceptable and is a clear violation of international rights and laws, and must be universally condemned as such. A unified effort is needed to protect the future of Europe and to defend the basic values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the respect for international treaties.

The Ministry encourages individuals and organizations to contact Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Polish and Belarusian communities to assist and participate in public demonstrations of support for Ukraine.

When uploading photos or videos of protests to social media please use hashtags: #StandwithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #UkraineUnderAttack

 Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Ministry   #GlobaliLietuva