On a Lighter Note… Frog Safety in Tallinn


The Estonian capital of Tallinn is closing down a street for two weeks in order to allow safe passage for migrating frogs. Private transport, though not public transit, will be banned for most of the day on a section of Astangu street in Tallinn’s Haabersti district in order to avoid mass death of the protected amphibians, according to Estonia’s public broadcaster ERR News.

“The section of Astangu tänav is one of the largest amphibian migration corridors in Estonia, through which thousands of frogs pass in a short time every spring,” it quotes the district’s deputy mayor Oleg Siljanov. “The purpose of the restriction is to ensure a safe migration route for protected amphibians from wintering places to breeding ponds along Astangu tänav.”

In previous years, the frogs were helped to make safe passage by volunteers, but this year it is not possible due to the pandemic, according to ERR News.