Ban on Free Plastic Bags

As of July 1, a law on packaging came into effect in Lithuania banning the distribution of free plastic bags for purchases in retail outlets. The exception is for very thin bags for meat and meat products, as well as fish and fish products. The new law is meant to increase awareness of plastic waste and encourage the use of reusable bags. According to Eurostat statistics, in 2020 Lithuania was registered as the highest per capita consumer of plastic grocery bags at 294 per person per year.

Many retailers charge 1 (euro)cent for the bags, though environmentalists think 10 (euro)cents would be better. One retail chain noted that during the first week after the new law came into effect, the use of plastic bags was reduced by a factor of 5, and more consumers purchased reusable bags.

Nevertheless, the ban does not solve the problem of environmental pollution. The plastic bags must be sorted and deposited in appropriate containers so they maybe recycled.