Jackie Clarkson tampa Lietuvos garbės konsulu

Buvusi Naujojo Orleano politikė Jackie Clarkson pirmadienį gruodžio 15d tapo Lietuvos garbės konsulu.

Clarkson turi ryšius su Baltijos tautomis, nes jos močiutė emigravo iš Lietuvos 1914m į Naujasį Orleaną. Jos daugiausia dėmesio bus skiriama prekybai, komercijai ir turizmui.

Jackie Clarkson Becomes Honorary Consul to Lithuania

Print Andrea Shaw, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune By Andrea Shaw, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
Email the author | Follow on Twitter on December 15, 2014 at 3:04 PM

She’s back. Former New Orleans Councilwoman Jackie Clarkson was inducted Monday (Dec. 15) as the honorary consul of Lithuania. Clarkson has ties to the Baltic nation, as her grandmother emigrated from Lithuania in 1914 to New Orleans.

Jackie Clarkson
Jackie Clarkson

In her new role, Clarkson will focus on trade, commerce and tourism with the country of 3 million. Clarkson served 24 years in the state Legislature and on the City Council before an unsuccessful bid for council in February.

„I am grateful to His Excellency Ambassador Zygimantas Pavilionis and the government of Lithuania for entrusting me with this opportunity and I look forward to working closely with my peers in the Louisiana Consular Corps and city and state officials in the conduct of my responsibilities,” Clarkson said in a news release.

Read the full article at www.nola.com