Pradžia Žymės LT elections 2020

Žymė: LT elections 2020

This Week in LT, October 5

COVID-19 UPDATE On October 5, Lithuanian Education Minister Algirdas Monkevičius announced that the coronavirus has affected about a tenth of schools in Lithuania. Nearly 1,500...

Are You Voting in the Lithuanian Parliamentary Elections?

Over 40,000 voters outside of Lithuania have registered to vote in the parliamentary elections According to Laura Matjošaitytė, chair of the Central Electoral Commission, this...

Dėmėsio! Attention!

Nuo 2024 m. liepos 1 d. leidybinė organizacija Kanados lietuvių kultūros draugija „Žiburiai” Inc. nutraukė veiklą. tinklalapis lieka prieinamas, tačiau po 2024 m. liepos 1 d. nebus atnaujinamas. Visą „Tėviškės Žiburių” spaudos archyvą (1949-2020 m.) galima rasti adresu

The Lithuanian Canadian Cultural Society “Žiburiai“ Inc. and are closed as of July 1, 2024. The website will not be updated.

A complete archive of the print edition of Tėviškės žiburiai (1949-2020) is available at