Jesus Appears to His Disciples
“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” (Jn 20:19)
Dear Lithuanians around the world, members of Lithuanian communities, parishes, Catholic missions and all people of good will,
Holy Easter greetings to all!
“Peace be with you” is not just a greeting or a gesture of courtesy said during Mass. God freely gives us this peace every day and invites us to share it, each in our own surroundings. This true peace heals hearts and relationships between people through sharing and receiving the gift of peace. We are encouraged to not only have peaceful hearts but also to ensure that peace reigns in our families, in our relations with friends, neighbours and in our communities. By sharing peace with others, by creating it in our surroundings, we bring action to the words expressed during Mass, “Let us offer each other the sign of Peace”.
The first Sunday after Easter, (known as Atvelykis in Lithuanian) is also the Sunday of the Feast of Divine Mercy. God’s Mercy leads us from doubt to faith; from despair to hope. During this Easter celebration, I pray that, even during the most challenging of times, we maintain our faith and hope in the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. God’s power overcomes all difficulties, His Word will be the last one. This hopeful message is His Good News, His Son, to us all.
May the trials of the present war between Ukraine and Russia not deprive us of the joy and hope of the sacredness of the Easter season. Let us reach out and strengthen one another through prayer and, together with all those who are suffering, pray to the Divine Mercy for peace.
Monsignor Edmond J. Putrimas
Lithuanian Bishops Conference Delegate
for Lithuanian Catholics living abroad