september, 2023
23sepAll DayKLJS AGM and Eurobash

Event Details
KLJS Annual General Meeting:
Event Details
KLJS Annual General Meeting:
- Join KLJS for our 48th Annual General Meeting! Hear from special guest speakers: Darius Skusevičius and Joris Meiklejohn, vote for the new board, and help shape the future of KLJS’ goals, plans, and events! More details to come.
Registration link: -
- Join us for a night of dancing, singing, good food and laughter!
This event is open to all ages, European communities, + friends. Enjoy ethnic food, cash bar, live entertainment, dancing & more! - Doors open @ 7pm
- 10$ Adult/ 5$ child
- There will be live music, a cash bar and Lithuanian food by chefs Emilia Gutauskaite & Jokubas Jonusonis!
- Dainavimas with p Dana Biskiene & Crew
- Our entire community is welcome, young and old!
– There will be a showcase of KLJS’ history
– Dress to impress - Registration link:
All Day (Saturday)
Resurrection Parish / Prisikėlimo parapija
1 Resurrection Rd.
Kanados Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga - KLJSKanados Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association L'Association des Jeunes Lituaniens-Canadiens