Torontietis Aras Janeliūnas bus Toronto 2015 Pan Am žaidynių pirmasis žiburio nešėjas liepos 7, antradienį, 11.30 v.r.
Ši dalis bėgimo prasidės 28 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, Etobicoke, prie Father John Redmond katalikų mokyklos (į pietus nuo Lakeshore Blvd. W. ir Kipling g. sankryžos) ir baigsis prie tos pačios gatvės 7 numerio. Visi galintys yra rengėjų kviečiami atvykti ir paremti Arą, kaip dalyvį šio svarbaus renginio Toronte su lietuviškomis trispalvėmis, foto aparatais, plakatais, plojimais ir šūksniais.
Geriausia nuotrauka pateks į Tėviškės žiburius! Siųsti [email protected] iki liepos 15 d.
Aras Janeliunas to be Torchbearer for the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games Torch Relay
The Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games Torch Relay is a 41-day journey that will share the Pan Am spirit in more than 130 communities.
The Pan Am flame was lit in May 2015 during a traditional ceremony in Teotihuacan, Mexico, before it traveled to Canada. The torch relay started in Canada on May 30, 2015, and will make its final stop on July 10, 2015, at the Opening Ceremony of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games. The Pan Am flame represents the history and spirit of the Games; it is a symbol that unites the 41 Pan American Sports Organization member nations.
Toronto Lithuanian Aras Janeliunas has been assigned to be the torch-bearer for the very first leg of the relay segment, on Tuesday, July 7th, at 11:30am. He is set to start at 280 Colonel Samuel Park Drive, Etobicoke near Father John Redmond Catholic School, and end further down the street at 7 Colonel Samuel Park Drive.
All those who are able are invited to come and support Aras with a show of Lithuanian flags, posters, and cheers, as he participates in this significant Toronto event. More information can be found at
Please take many pictures and send them to us at [email protected] until July 15th. The best photos will be published in our newspaper.
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