A Climate Action Exam

October 24 is the International Day of Climate Action, a worldwide movement initiated by  young people concerned about climate change and global injustice. In Lithuania, the first ever National Environmental Examination will be held online. Students, adults and environmental experts are invited to participate. Registration has started for all categories (in Lithuanian) at www.aplinkosaugosegzaminas.lrt.lt.

Questions about climate change, recycling, energy-saving, nature, circular economy and the European Green Deal are formulated by a committee of over 20 experts from non-governmental, commercial and government sectors. The examination is meant to provide data on social awareness of environmental issues and to increase interest in them.

Registrants will receive valuable information and advice on preparing for the examination.

A special awards ceremony will take place for winners. The Environment Ministry is providing a special prize: an expedition on the Baltic Sea for a group of high-school students on the research vessel “Vėjūnas“.