A New Lithuanian Club

Vancouver welcomes “Sedula”

“Sedula” is the name of a bush called red dogwood in English. In Lithuanian, it is a club for boys and girls and their parents, newly sprouted in Vancouver, British Columbia. Opening ceremonies were held together with Easter Egg Day, which was a great success.

Thanks to all the enthusiastic guests,  children and volunteers who made it happen: Kristina Čiunkaitė, Asta Jureliavičiūtė, Kristina Jaugelis and Lina Holliday!

It was wonderful to see both new and familiar faces. The children learned various methods of colouring Easter eggs, such as onion skins, turmeric, green tea and food colouring. The eggs were pretty to see, compete with in rolling and “smacking” contests. The children were also treated to an Easter-egg hunt and had photos taken to remember the event.

The club will organize get-togethers for local Lithuanian families, to celebrate various anniversaries and cultural events.  Everyone is invited to join us!

“Sedula” Club