A Clear and Simple Message

Deputy Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas, Paulius Saudargas, Member of the Seimas for the Justiniškės constituency since 2008 and holds a PhD in biophysics. His commentary on the Russian war against Ukraine was published on the Lithuanian website alkas.lt this week. He began with the dire prognosis that the Ukrainian tragedy will not end with the massacre at Bucha. Saudargas  had spoken to a Ukrainianian intelligence unit leader in the East who said the most-needed weaponry in preparing to ambush the Russian convoys is the javelin anti-tank missile. He told Saudargas, “we will continue to fight to our utmost, but we are tired of being suicides”. They need these weapons – many of them, and now, said Saudargas, explaining that the free world must now finally change its perspective on Russia and this sickeningly bloody war.

He noted that every Lithuanian politician and Lithuanian meeting politicians anywhere in the world must know and explain to others that NATO and the entire democratic world is already at war with Russia, and Ukraine is the front line. “Time is not on our side, because Putin is killing civilians not only to instill fear, but to sell ceasefire to the West as a negotiating position. Will the West agree with the occupation of a third of Ukraine and be happy that the bombing stops, and then discontinue the sanctions? This would not be a victory for the free world. Putin must be stopped now, unconditionally. And if the world wants that done by Ukraine, it must provide it with sufficient weapons. Today.” He emphasized that “Europe must completely stop importing energy resources from Russia. Lithuania has shown this to be possible.”