San Jose ledo ritulio komandos naujas vartininkas lietuvis Mantas Armalis

Po ilgų dvejonių, San Jose “Sharks” generalinis direktorius Doug Wilson vakar paskelbė, kad sporto klubas pasirašė sutartį su Lietuvoje gimusiu, bet Švedijoje užaugusiu vartininku Mantu Armaliu.

Mantas turėjo keleta NHL gerbėjų, įskaitant ir „Toronto Maple Leafs” komandą, kurie norėjo turėti jį savo klube, bet M.Armalis pasirinko San Jose klubą.

Mantas gimė Lietuvoje-Plungėje, bet nuo keturių mėnesių amžiaus persikėlė gyventi į Švediją. Ledo ritulį jis pradėjo žaisti Švedijoje, tačiau savo gimtąją šalį atstovauja įvairiuose tarptautiniuose turnyruose gana dažnai.

Ledo ritulio vartininkas ir……madų modeliuotojas!

Įdomu, kad Armalis ne tik geras ledo ritulio sportininkas, bet ir pasižymėjęs modeliuotojas. Jam teko dirbti keliose pagarsėjusiose modeliavimo agentūrose, įskaitant Stockholmsgruppen, L.A. Models, and New York Model Management.  Jis buvo Versace 2012-2013 sezono, Milano madų savaitės parodos didžiausia pažiba.

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Lietuvis Jonas Valančiūnas, Toronto Raptors centro žaidėjas, tuoj pat “twitter” kvietė ir skatino Mantą Armalį pasirinkti Toronto komandą, dėja jis žais San Jose.

The San Jose Sharks’ new Goalie is Mantas Armalis

After much anticipation, San Jose Sharks General Manager Doug Wilson announced today that the club has signed Lithuanian-born, Sweden trained goaltender Mantas Armalis to a standard, entry-level contract.

Mantas had a number of NHL suitors, including the Toronto Maple Leafs, who were favorited to gain Armalis. „We’ve been following his progression up the ranks in Sweden over the last few seasons and he has consistently performed at every level. He has a history of playing above his age group internationally, and we’re looking forward to him joining our organization,” said Wilson.

Born in Lithuania, Armalis moved to Sweden at four months of age. His parents were professional orienteers and encouraged their son to get into the family business. He chose hockey instead and has represented his birth country at multiple international tournaments, including the 2015 World Division 1 B Championship, being named the tournament’s Best Goaltender and helping his country earn a bronze medal as he finished with the highest save percentage. In 2014, he helped Lithuania to a bronze-medal finish in the same tournament, being named as Lithuania’s Top Player. In the 2012 World U-20 D2A Championships, Armalis was named the tournament’s Best Goaltender after posting a 2.14 goals-against average and a .944 save percentage (best amongst goaltenders) in five games played. He was named Lithuania’s Top Player and helped his country earn the silver medal.

The six-foot-four, 195-pound goaltender is a native of Plunge, Lithuania.

A Goalie…and a Fashion Model!

Interestingly, he also happens to be a male model! Armalis has worked with several major modelling agencies, including Stockholmsgruppen, L.A. Models, and New York Model Management. He was a go-to showpiece for Versace for a few fashion seasons in 2012 and 2013, stealing the runway at Milan Fashion Week. „Versace needs faces and bodies like Mantas, the strong gladiator-like build and muscular thighs,” Donatella Versace once said.

Fellow Lithuanian Jonas Valanciunas Approves

Toronto Raptors centre and fellow Lithuanian Jonas Valanciunas has been quick to throw support behind the Armalis-to-Toronto concept. He has tweeted in the past: