Lietuva pralaimėjo Ispanams, bet prisijungė prie dar septynių komandų, turinčių vietas 2016m olimpiadoje

Kaip ir 2013-aisiais, Europos čempionato finale Lietuvos rinktinei nepavyko pademonstruoti savo geriausio krepšinio.

Lietuvos krepšininkai nuo varžovų atsiliko visas rungtynes. Nors į pirmąjį Sergio Llullo metimą dvitaškiu atsakė Jonas Valančiūnas, po šio epizodo ispanai spurtavo 13:2 ir nutolo (15:4, 5 min.). Galima teigti, kad po to lietuviai taip ir neatsigavo. Didžiąją mačo dalį ispanai pirmavo dviženkle persvara, o vieninteliu optimizmo teikiančiu momentu buvo paskutinės antrojo kėlinio sekundės, kuomet po Jono Mačiulio tritaškio skirtumas tarp komandų sumažėjo iki 8 taškų (33:41).

Po pertraukos iniciatyvos perimti nepavyko. Netgi priešingai – baudos aikštelėje toliau dominavo Pau Gasolis, o didžioji dalis lietuvių metimų tikslo nepasiekdavo. Sužaidus 30 min. Ispanijos rinktinė jau pirmavo 17 taškų (60:43).

Į simbolinį geriausių žaidėjų penketuką, pasibaigus rungtynėms, buvo išrinkti net du Lietuvos krepšininkai – Valančiūnas ir Mačiulis. Kartu su jais į penketuką pateko Gasolis, Sergio Rodriguezas ir prancūzas Nando De Colo. Naudingiausiu čempionato žaidėju išrinktas 25 taškus pelnęs Gasolis.

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Valanciunas, Lithuania lose to Spain, Earn Invite To 2016 Summer Olympics In Rio de Janeiro

Although Jonas Valanciunas and the Lithuanian national team fell 80-63 to Spain in the 2015 EuroBasket final, their trip to the gold-medal game ensured their participation in the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Lithuania came into the final with a 7-1 record, but were unable to slow a stacked Spain team led by EuroBasket MVP Pau Gasol who finished with 25 points and 12 rebounds. An all-time record crowd of 27,372 fans were on hand to witness Spain’s dominance as they won their third EuroBasket in the past four tournaments and medaled for the fifth time in as many tries.

Spain led throughout the first half, but Lithuania trimmed their deficit to single digits going into the third quarter behind a three at the buzzer from Jonas Maciulis. Conscious of not wanting the momentum to shift, Spain opened the third with a 9-2 run to extend their advantage to 52-35 midway through the quarter and didn’t look back. They finished shooting 50 percent from the floor while Lithuania connected on just 35 percent of their attempts in the game. Valanciunas finished with 10 points and nine rebounds, but fouled out after 26 minutes of action.

The EuroBasket final was another highlight in a productive offseason for Valanciunas, who rejoined the Lithuanian national team after flying to Toronto to sign a contract extension with the Raptors at the end of August. Although he has been starring in international play for Lithuania since his debut at the 2008 FIBA Europe Under-16 Championship.

In eight years representing his country, Valanciunas has helped Lithuania to silver medals in the last two EuroBasket tournaments, gold medals in the FIBA World Under-19 Championship and FIBA World Under-18 Championship and a gold and bronze medal at the FIBA Under-16 Championship.