Dar galima aplankyti parodą Toronte „Nepiklausomybės Akimirksniai 1918-1939”

Švenčiame Lietuvos nepriklausomybės 100-metį. Iki gegužės 31d, dar vis galima aplankyti parodą „Nepiklausomybės Akimirksniai 1918-1934” Kanados Lietuviu muziejaus arkyve, 2185 Stavebank Road, Mississauga, antradieniais, trečiadieniais, ir ketvirtadieniais 11 val. ryto-4 val.pp.

Šioje parodoje, susipažinsite su: kas vyko pasaulyje tuo metu; kodėl Lietuva norėjo karaliaus; kaip atrodo to laikotarpio atsivešti daiktai; kaip Lietuva tada atrodė fotografui Vytautui Augutinui; kaip Lietuva dabar atšventė 100-metį ten dalyvavusių lietuvių akymis.

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There’s still time to visit the Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada’s latest exhibition, „Glimpses of Independence”

This informative exhibition has been created from a variety of sources, including archival photos and documents about Lithuania’s beginnings as an independent state, the presidents of the time, and prewar newspaper and press clippings. Also on display are the handwritten memories of Petras Traškevičius, whose words give us a glimpse of the young nation-state’s circumstances and difficulties during the period.

You will also find personal donations from the prewar decades, including Russian rubles, German marks and Lithuanian litas; Lithuanian matchboxes and soaps; “Žuvelė”; and a rare German typewriter with both German and Lithuanian letters—few of which were ever produced.

As well, the exhibition features beautiful photographs from famed photographer Vytautas Augustinas (1912-1999), who had a firsthand view of the country: its stunning landscapes, its hospitable people, and the amazing architectural splendor of Kaunas, of which Europe only now has begun to appreciate.

Finally, the exhibition also includes a short documentary film about Lithuania during 1935-37, as well as a video montage about this year’s Independence Day festivities in Vilnius. This immersive exhibition is a touching tribute to just how far our beloved Lithuania has come through its most difficult decades, and we hope you will have a chance to experience it yourself.

The Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada is located at 2185 Stavebank Road in Mississauga. The exhibition is open until May 31 st on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 11 am until 4 pm.