An important goal of the Marius Jakulis Jason Foundation is to assist Lithuanian universities in becoming more competitive with other European institutions of higher learning. Lithuanians with doctoral degrees acquired in the diaspora may qualify for grants from the philanthropic MJJ Foundation, given to help fund the salaries of candidates who wish to pursue their academic careers in Lithuania and share their knowledge with Lithuanian university students.
The MJJ Foundation has announced the 2020 competition for PhD graduates from universities in the diaspora. Last year seven researchers from Japan, Australia, USA, and the UK received a total of 220,900 euros. This year as well, an independent committee with university representatives will select recipients who are prepared to stay in Lithuania for up to three years with monthly funding in addition to compensation provided by the university.
Both academics and the universities inviting them may apply until December 1 at the MJJ Foundation website.
The MJJ Foundation was established by Marius Jakulis, who left a successful career in the United States and moved from New York to Vilnius in 1992. He invested in Lithuania, a country which gave him the opportunity to grow and improve his skills. Over 25 years of building profitable businesses and investments he became one of the most successfully private investors in the country. Three years ago, with his wife Liisa Leitzinger, he established the research foundation “Marius Jakulis Jason”. The MJJ Foundation nurtures partnerships with the best universities in Lithuania, aiming to create strategies to attract the most progressive academic minds. Teaming up with Vilnius University, Kaunas Technological University and the Vilnius Technical University, the foundation annually contributes up to 50,000 euros to the salaries of doctoral researchers from abroad while establishing an international network of academics to help them settle and work in Lithuania.