Dear Lithuanians and friends around the World,
Monsignor Edmond Putrimas’ unexpected passing has stunned all of us. For so many he was a friend or companion, a patient teacher, an understanding and consoling person.
We all know that Monsignor always planned his time to the last detail. He had already prepared his Christmas letter to be shared with Lithuanian communities worldwide. This Christmas letter will now be his final message for all of us.
Christmas is the season of hope and proclaims that God never leaves us alone. I wish to assure you, that the responsibilities and work that were part of Monsignor Putrimas’ duties – that is, the pastoral care of Lithuanians around the world – will continue. You will not be left alone.
Archbishop Gintaras Grušas
Lithuanian Bishops Conference, president
Monsignor Edmond J. Putrimas‘ final Christmas Message, December 2022
“(Joseph) rose, took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel. <…> Because he had been warned in a dream, he departed for the region of Galilee. He went and dwelt in a town called Nazareth, so that what was spoken through the prophets might be filfilled, “He shall be called a Nazarean” (Mt. 2: 21-23).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
With this letter I share my Christmas greeting with you.
In the words of this Gospel message, we learn how the Holy Family once had to avoid persecution by fleeing to Egypt and then returned home. This passage speaks of a physical return to one‘s home. However, no matter where we live in this world, we are always able to return to our roots, to cherish our identity and our cultural heritage.
During his visit to Lithuania, Pope Francis invited everyone to remember the history of their nation and their individual families; to show interest in the stories of their parents and grandparents, to gain some of their wisdom. Christmas presents a perfect opportunity to sit around a common table and converse about Lithuania, about faith and to remember the old Christmas traditions. It is most important to share an encouraging message with young people and young families, that, although they may live elsewhere, they should not forget their Lithuanian identity.
For our Lithuanian identity to stay vibrant, we must thank all the Lithuanian communities around the world that work towards that goal: a sincere thank you to the families and members of Lithuanian parishes and missions, to the Saturday school teachers who volunteer their time to help strengthen the Lithuanian roots and keep alive the spoken language of their students. I thank the many priests and religious brothers and sisters who share the truths of the Catholic Church, evangelizing the younger generations. These most important pillars of our Lithuanian identity help us to form Lithuanian “islands“ where we live and where we can feel at home.
During the Christmas season, let us wish one another peace. Gathered around the Christmas table, let us be united in the spirit of forgiveness and hope. Let us also not forget our brothers and sisters in Ukraine during their time of need.
Monsignor Edmond J. Putrimas,
Lithuanian Bishops Conference Delegate for Lithuanian Catholics Abroad