Dear Lithuanians Living in the Diaspora,
This year, on March 5, 2023, we are once again celebrating the Day of Prayer for Lithuanians in the World. It invites everyone to feel a bond with their homeland and communion with one another, to maintain hope and commitment to the truth. On this day, let us pray personally, in our families, in our parishes, asking God’s blessing for ourselves and for Lithuania.
We will pray in the special context of Russia’s continued aggression in Europe against an independent Ukraine. The freedom-loving people of Ukraine are making great sacrifices, but their determination to defend their country is unwavering. Their struggle is a reminder of the way of the cross and the suffering that our people have endured. In the last century, many Lithuanians were exiles and refugees, and the storms of war drove them to different lands. Today, by supporting Ukrainians, we are also strengthening the security of our country. Let us not give up praying for them and helping them.
It is three decades since Pope John Paul II visited Lithuania and five years since Pope Francis’ visit. The journeys of the universal Shepherds of the Church have been important and have left a significant imprint. In 1993, St. John Paul II invited the people of Lithuania to open their doors to new horizons and “to rely on the Gospel, which is the light that illuminates the path of social progress worthy of man”. The Pope wished that, thanks to this light, Lithuanians would be able to create goodness and live in unity and peace. This remains true today. And Pope Francis, speaking to the youth of Lithuania, encouraged them to remember the roots of their nation, to know its joys, sufferings and values. This year, we can remember the letters of the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania, written by Franciscan monks seven centuries ago. His letters charted Lithuania’s course towards a Catholic Europe. We are glad that links with the Western world have become commonplace, and that Vilnius, our capital and the city of many churches, connects all Lithuanians.
Last year, everyone was touched by the unexpected loss of Msgr. Edmond Putrimas’ death. As the delegate of the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference for the pastoral care of Lithuanian Catholics abroad, he was responsible for the inclusion of a Day of Prayer for Lithuanians in the World. Let us pray to God for him, remembering also all his compatriots who have passed away.
The Catholic Church has embarked on a Synodal journey, and a Synod of Bishops will be held in Rome next autumn on this theme. The very word “synod” means going together. We are different, but we are united by a common path, on which we learn communal insight, share experiences and try to open our hearts to the breath of the Holy Spirit. We invite all Lithuanians to become actively involved in the life of their parishes and Lithuanian communities, to take responsibility for their future, and to develop their faith. May the Spirit of Christ unite and guide us to remain faithful to our faith and the precious heritage of our parents.
+Gintaras Grušas
President of the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference
+Lionginas Virbalas SJ
Delegate of the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference
to the Lithuanian Catholic Pastoral Ministry in the Diaspora
Sunday of Prayer for Lithuanians in the World
Brothers and sisters, rejoicing in our free homeland and in Vilnius, which is celebrating its seventh centenary, let us unite with the Lithuanians dispersed throughout the world and, trusting in the intercession of the Patron Saint of Lithuania, Saint Casimir, and of the martyred Saint Joseph, martyred four centuries ago, let us pray to the Father to bless our steps.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that the Church may be able to communicate the light of Christ to people of all languages, nations and races.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that Lithuanians, living in all continents except Antarctica, may preserve their Christian faith, their language, their relationship with their homeland, and that their culture may enrich the lands where they live.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that our public servants, bound by their political, social and economic responsibilities, will ensure the prosperity of Lithuania by upholding the principles of justice and fairness.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that Ukraine and other war-torn lands may soon experience the blessing of a just and lasting peace.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that children and young people will be educated in a Christian way to live not only for their own benefit and well-being but also for others.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Let us pray that exiles and refugees, the unemployed and the homeless, the sick and the prisoners will be warmed by divine and human closeness.
Lord, hear our prayer!
Lord, you commanded us to listen to your beloved Son,
hear our prayers and give us the Spirit of Consolation,
that we may remain united and faithful to you in the face of every trial.
Through Christ our Lord,